Sandra Brown was born on January 1, 1950, in Akron, OH to Abe Brown and Lulu Mae Brown. Sandra Brown was a resident of Akron, OH most of her life but spent a year in Waterbury, Connecticut, 15 years in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and 8 years in Columbus, Georgia. Sandra graduated high school on May 10, 1970. She held many jobs ranging from hairdressing to nurse’s aid as she raised her sons. Sandra had many talents but mostly loved helping and encouraging others. Most knew her as Sandy.
Sandy loved life and loved new experiences. She was fearless and always ready for a new adventure or opportunity. Like moving away from home to have her first baby or taking trips alone to other countries she knew very little about. Her energy and enthusiasm were clearly seen when she engaged or inserted herself in the midst of children. She always found a way to connect with them on their level. Whether participating in their game or coming up with a new one there was no end to her imagination and creativity. She loved being a grandmother and always made sure she expressed her love at least three times she saw or talked to them; she would say “I love you more”. Sandy always sought special names for the special people in her life like “Cat “for her eldest son, Kevin or “Bozy” for her youngest son, and “Diva” for her newest granddaughter. She was a survivor bouncing back from many obstacles in life. Sandy lived her way.